Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Six months old

Actually today it's 6 months and one week, but who's counting right? Boy has he grown! He was born at 7lbs 6oz and now weighs 18lbs 3 oz. It seems Cameron had lost a bit of weight. I asked the Doctor if I should be concerned, but he said that at this age it's normal. First because He's way more active and mobile which means he's burning way more calories and second because solids aren't as calorie rich as Breast milk (yet still necessary). It's still pretty amazing that my little man has grown almost 11lbs in the last 6 months. He was 21 inches at birth and is now just over 27 inches. He has grown 2 teeth and I think the top 2 are not too far behind. He rolls all over the place and shimmies on his back. Cameron is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm loving every minute of being there to witness it!

Stages we are in right now are sleep training. To cry or not to cry, that is the question? I don't really believe in the whole cry it out method but on the other hand I am exhausted.

How often is too often to go out? Am I doing it for me? is it detrimental to Cameron's sleep and development? Although when he is awake Cameron loves to be around his friends, he love little kids and other babies, especially his best bud Milo.

The whole bottle ( I would pump) verses Nursing debate. Currently the world is yet to be discovered, and Cameron is very curious and absorbs so much.While nursing he's stuck staring at me, and so he putzes, and plays and looks around. With a bottle, he can look around and eat at the same time, the best of both worlds. I can't say I'm ready to give up nursing yet (Cameron still sleeps in our room) and am I really willing to pump for that long? I do believe Breast Milk is best. We'll see how it goes.

And last but not least Cameron's 6 month Photo Shoot with Auntie Kim at the Calgary Zoo.

1 comment:

  1. I have a fantastic book recommendation in terms of sleep training - it's called "Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady's Gentle Guide to Helping Your Child Go to Sleep, Stay Asleep and Wake Up Happy." (Long title, I know.)

    But this book really is awesome! She has age specific chapters on how much sleep your child needs on average, with a system for help to train them to get to sleep on their own. She is right in the middle line in terms of methods, and it works!!!

    Josh got it for me after knowing I was struggling with JB (when he was around Cameron's age, actually) and he had heard really good things about it. I now give it away at baby showers - that's how sold I am on this. Here's a link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Good-Night-Sleep-Tight/Kim-West/e/9781593153564/?itm=1&USRI=good+night+sleep+tight+the+sleep+lady%27s+guide
