Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pictures of Tommy (as promised)

Here are a few random pictures of our Tommy. Three month photo shoot with Auntie Kim coming soon.....

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who is Tommy?

I cannot believe that Tommy is already three months old. Time is flying by way too quickly! He's a wonderful baby, full of life and charm. He's already an independent little man and will tell you when he's done being held and just needs some "Tommy Time". However if he's not wanting his own time, he gets mad if I am not paying attention to him or put him down prematurely. He loves having conversations and being sung and read to. He especially likes the songs and quite often he'll sing along. A few of his favourites are "wind my bobbin up", "Pat-a-cake" , and "peek a boo, I see you". He is a very smiley baby and his face lights up every time I look at him. Enough to melt this Mama's heart! He's very active (as much as he can be). He was this way in the womb as well. Kicking and wriggling awake as well as in his sleep. We call him our "squirmy wormy". He loves to go out, whether it be car rides, walks in the stroller or carried in the bjorn. Looking at him you can tell he's studying the world around him, he observes everything that goes on around him. He's started to giggle, which is adorable, it happens when I make random odd noises or when I tickle him. He's very ticklish under his chin.He's a big boy with a big boy appetite. For the past week he as eaten every two hours. I'm hoping this is a growth spurt and not permanent. At three weeks he was already in 3-6 month clothing and now at three months we've started to pull out the 6-9 month clothes. He's going to catch up to his brother in no time if he carries on at this pace. He weighs 13lbs 12oz, a 5lb gain since birth and is 25 inches long. Sadly he hasn't been blessed yet, due to conflicting schedules and then chicken pox it just hasn't worked yet. March 4th. I had to go out and get a new blessing outfit because he outgrew the first. He's a good sleeper once I get him to sleep but he fights it with everything he's got. EVERYTHING. For awhile there the only way to get him to sleep was to swaddle him up tight and swing him in his car seat. That was a workout. Now I just hold him tight until he gives in. He also loves to bath. He's a water baby and turns into an octopus as soon as he's in the water, limbs squirming all over the place. He is precious beyond words adored by all especially his Mamma, Daddy and big brother.

I'm having difficulty loading pictures (like always). So a post of Tommy pictures will be coming soon.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy New Year?

I read somewhere that the first twelve days of the year are an indication of how your year is going to be. I sure hope not! We started the year with Cameron having a cough which lead to chicken pox. Once the Chicken pox cleared he got croup which then was followed by the flu. Tommy then caught the flu and now he has the chicken pox.

There is nothing worse than having sick babies and not being able to do anything about it except let it run it's course. This New Year has not been so "Happy". It can only go up from here right?


One very exhausted
(emotionally, mentally and physically)