Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Seventeen Months Already?

I know 17 months isn't a milestone. Well not in the books it's not but for me it is! It seems like only yesterday we were anxiously awaiting getting pregnant. And then when we did get pregnant, it seemed like the days just dragged on. But here we are.

I really try hard to write things down and remember Cameron's "isms" but everyday is so full of new adventures and discoveries I'd be spending a whole lot of time writing. However I did think it was about time. It has been over two months and a lot has happened .

Cameron is thriving. I think as far as he goes that moving to Calgary was the absolute right decision! Back in Nobleford we were very isolated. And even when we did go out. It was mostly just he and I, sometimes baby group friends would join us. Now he's okay when I leave him with familiar people. (I don't know if I'm 100% okay with that). But he's growing, learning, progressing at a rate that I can barely keep up.

Playing in the Toy Box

Cameron is a very Jealous little man. My Brother and Sister in law brought a beautiful baby boy, Francis, into the world in the beginning of January. Cameron loves "Baby" until Francis is in Cameron's mommy's arms. Then Francis or any other baby/child is no longer welcome or even a friend for that matter. Cameron pushes his way into my lap. Although if there is no one in my lap, forget Mama!

He takes after his Opa and Uncles- when he gets mad or frustrated he throws-his toys, his food, his sippy cup, his books-not cool! He also has taken to hitting when something doesn't go his way. We've been working on "kiss better" when he hits. It's amazing how he can go from sweetheart to rascal/troublemaker back to sweetheart in a matter of seconds. And just recently he has mastered "dirty looks". Oh how I wish I could capture it in a picture. It's classic! The furrowed eyebrows and scrunched forehead, evil eyes and frown. I have to work really hard not to laugh because I don't want to make light of his feeling. But it's really funny.

He's losing his baby looks and turning into a toddler. At nursery or anywhere with little boys he does whatever the "big" boys do. My Nephew Joseph makes all the classic boy noises (guttural noises girls would never even try). Cameron now does them too.

Cameron Wearing Mommy's heels, with spoon in mouth while scattering fridge magnets

He still talks and talks learning new words every day- I don't even think I can count all the words he knows. A few are Auntie, Uncle, Omi, Opa, Elmo, sucker, More, Please which sounds more like "Pease", colour, "doots" which is boots.( He loves his doots and wears them all day through the house.) He knows most of the food words. " Brrrr" is what he says when it's cold. Everyday he amazes me with his vocabulary. Right now Cameron is a sponge. He copies everything anyone says (which means I have to be careful, I caught him saying "Oh Bap" translation -- Oh Crap). He's got an obsession with our cuckoo clock and funny enough that when you ask him what a birdie says he replies "cuckoo." He's getting really good at knowing his animals and knowing what they say. He also has started putting words together like "more please". But the best thing he has said to date happened last week when Cameron said "Wuv You".

A couple of weeks ago we took him to the pet store. Actually first I asked him if he wanted to go see the animals. His face lit up and he nodded his head vigourously( when Cameron nods yes, it's a full body expression, there is no denying his answer) and was then impatient to get out the door. At the pet store he was so adorable. He had a huge smile on his face and every animal he saw, no matter how many times it was, he exclaimed "Ooooo, Wow!" It made his mama's heart melt.

Since the TV has been canceled( we decided it was a waste of money and time) we've been playing a lot more and It's amazing how much energy he has. He's like the Energizer bunny he just keeps going and going. I went out and bought markers and other craft supplies, I dug out my bubbles and play dough. Because there are now so many more hours in the day and I have to find ways to entertain him. Cameron loves to colour. Especially all over himself. He prefers markers to crayons. Our fridge became his canvas, thank goodness for magic erasers! Colouring and Elmo seem to be his things right now! He also loves books. We went to the Library this week took out some books and got some Elmo DVD's for bedtime routine.

He's growing super tall. He's going to be tall and skinny like his Daddy.

We also got rid of our Cavalier. It gave up the ghost. Poor vehicle had been abused and decided it was done. The repairs would have cost way more than the car was worth. So we decided to cut our losses. We are now a one vehicle family again. It's amazing how easy it is to get used to the luxuries. It's been an adjustment. It turned out to be for the better financially. Insurance was cut in half and gas is less now too. We are very blessed Auntie Kimmy and Joseph live so close and our willing to drive when we need them (Thank You). Cameron loves his cousins, He loves Playing with them. It's great to have them so close.

New Years with the cousins.

I have also realized that since Christmas I have only taken 13 pictures. Yikes. Better get on that.