Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Playground in our own Backyard

For the longest time I have wanted a swing set. Every week I would scour the flyers to see which ones were on sale and where. Cameron loves slides and he loves going to the park. Tommy enjoys the swings. And with my Parental anxieties I just didn't know how I was going to get around going to the park and let Cameron run around doing his own thing because I need to stay with Tommy. Right now while school is in and it's just the beginning of the season it's not so bad. But come July, when the parks are packed and you can't tell one child from the next, my poor heart and mind could just not handle it. So I tried to save up, took on a few odd jobs, and watched for the sales and brought the park to us. This way I can push Tommy in the swing while Cameron goes up and down the slide to his hearts content.

Cameron is so very proud of it. Whenever he looks into the yard he says "there's my new swing set, it's for me and Tommy" followed by "me and Daddy built it together".

So far it has been worth every penny!It came with the "humungous slide" as Cameron calls it, 2 swings and a trapeze. We replaced on of the swings with a baby swing and so far Tommy enjoys it and without fail has fallen asleep in it. Cameron likes to do flips on the trapeze but lets go a bit to early and then lands on all fours. He calls it his Spider man flip. He also likes me to spin his swing while hes on it. Yesterday he kept saying "again" until again was too much (it was at least 7 or 8  times) and he felt "tummy sick". That didn't stop him from asking for it again today.

My boys are so cute! It's been fun too, because Kim and Joseph have come over almost everyday. It's fun to see the cousins play together! I'm really excited for the summer!