Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weight loss diaries

Four years ago I was told I had become Insulin resistant and had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and was Insulin resistant . I was also told that unless I did something about my weight I would never become a Mother. This news devastated me as that was all I have ever wanted to be. I never was a skinny person, but I was fairly active which seemed to balance things out, I was however at my heaviest weight . I became incredibly focused and within 6 short months I had lost 60lbs and brought my body fat down from 34% to 17%. I was active, I was fit, and never in my life was I so skinny. I felt great. I worked out everyday and ate incredibly healthy. A year and a half after losing the weight and keeping the weight off I found out we were expecting! After 4 painful years of trying my dreams came true. I had full intention of keeping fit throughout my entire pregnancy and eating best to nourish baby. Life doesn't always happen as planned. I was put on strict bed rest, which means no exercise. And sadly fruits and veggies nauseated me. And I have to be honest I gave into EVERY craving I had. I gained all my weight back plus ten pounds. After Cameron was born I was determined to get back into shape, but everytime I would start a work out program (including just brisk walking) I would lose my milk. Breastfeeding at the time was more important to me. I am now finished nursing and am ready to get myself back into the game. I want to have the energy I need to be there for my Son plus any more who decide to come to our Family. I want to like my body again, I want to feel good about myself. I don't want my weight from keeping me doing the things that I want to do.

My parents took me out to Dinner on my Birthday. I had a deep fried breaded chicken sandwich on a white bun with French fries. I decided That would be my last "bad" meal for a while and that afternoon I went on a 5K walk with my baby group. The next day I used my Birthday money and bought a membership to biggestloserclub.com and bought some DVD's and weights.
To give me a little kick in the right direction ( I don't know if this was smart or just plain crazy) I signed up to compete in a Sprint triathlon,

I also started a weight loss blog to keep me accountable. It is private, but if you are interested let me know and I'll email you an invite. It was/is a little to personal to make public. I am a month behind. (so much for accountability) but it really helped in the beginning. At my 3 month mark I had lost 34lbs and 16.5 inches. Not too bad I don't think.

Triathlon- August 21, 2010 ( 6 weeks into my journey)

Today was Triathlon day!!!!! I can't believe how fast the last six weeks have flown by! This morning I woke up and my stomach was all nerves. My goal was 20-60-40 minutes (swim, bike, run).

The swim wasn't bad at all, My time 17 minutes 12 seconds. I BEAT MY GOAL!

The bike was hard. More mentally than physically! My legs did burn and there is a brutal hill at the half way mark that did me in, I rode the whole way though. At times I thought I was going to puke. Most of the time I thought my heart would pound right out of my chest! And a few times I had to stop myself from losing it, the tears just kept trying to come. My time 52 minutes 34 seconds. I BEAT MY GOAL!

My legs were jello after the bike and The first few steps of the run were difficult. My legs were protesting! I can't really call it a run. I can call it a jog though. Not once during the entire 5k did I stop to walk. the first 2.5 kilometers were a challenge but then I found my stride, maybe it was because I knew I was in the home stretch.
My time 38 minutes 10 seconds. I BEAT MY GOAL!

As I crossed that finish line I did break down. I DID IT! I survived! I completed a full triathlon, swim and all. I wept from relief that it was over, exhaustion and accomplishment.

No pictures, Because I beat my goal times Michael wasn't ready at the transition areas. And I'm not about to show the world my before pictures.


  1. Wow! I'm definitely proud of you! That's amazing!

  2. Congrats on your new weight loss program. I have been going to the gym during my pregnancy, and its fantastic. I am hoping the weight melts off afterwards. You are doing great..keep up the good work!
