So here I am writing it down.
Cameron at 7 months old
Weight gain has slowed down considerably (which I will admit concerns me) Cameron went from being in the 75th percentile to under the 50th. He currently weighs just under 19lbs.
On the other hand he is growing lengthwise. He's probably going to end up like his Daddy, tall and skinny. He's 28 1/2 inches long.
He has his two bottom teeth, and the next one on the right poking through. This last weekend was a joyful one as the two top incisors keep threatening to come out.
He gets up on all fours and rocks, he can move backwards and roll all over the place but hasn't figured out the forward motion yet. He is pulling himself up on anything he can support himself with, which means we have had a few head bonks. And he is walking with our support. His favourite positions are sitting and standing up.
He loves to play with blocks, especially knocking the towers down that Mommy and Daddy build. We have tried building many at super speed, he just takes his arm in one sweeping motion and knocks them all down. He loves to just sit and have the bucket (Omi's to be specific) of blocks in front of him and examine each one individually.
Foods we have introduced
Rice, oat and mixed grains cereals. (Which he will only eat with something mixed in with them)
Apples, Bananas, which he is now eating in chunks instead of mashed. Pears, Cameron didn't like these at first, I think maybe the texture, but he enjoys them now. And Peaches.
Yams, Carrots, which his tummy did not tolerate, we'll try again at a later date. Peas and beans, I couldn't grind them small/smooth enough and he would gag on the skins. Broccoli and Butternut squash, both Cameron really enjoys.
Chicken and Pork. Cheese, he's his Daddy's boy here, Cameron loves cheese, it's cute watching him eat it, he looks like a hungry baby bird asking for more.
What does he shut his mouth tight for? Prunes and Avocado.
Cameron loves Water, whether it's bathtime, swimming or hot tub. He's learned to splash, climb the pool wall at Nicholas Sheran and "swim" towards the toy he desires. It doesn't matter how tired he is, when Cameron enters the water he comes alive. He doesn't mind being "dunked" or having water splashed on his face. He's my little water baby.
Cameron is a singer. Last time we were visiting Omi and Opa, Uncle Mikey was playing his guitar for Cameron and Cameron sang along. When the music changed(whether it was volume or genre) Cameron's voice changed with it.
Cameron loves to play with other kids. His Cousins Joseph, Charlotte, Kaleb or Aiden. He loves the kids of my friends. He giggles, play peek a boo and observes everything they do.
It is so fun watching our little man grow! His little personality is starting to show. At home he is fun and playful, climbing and giggling. He loves to talk and gets excited easily. However when we are out and about he becomes Mr. serious. He observes, studies and absorbs.
There are times when he shows his red headed colours. He lets us know when he is unhappy!
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