It's a whole new world for Cameron to explore. We lather on the sunscreen and head out. Our yard is full of ladybugs, and they seem to love Cameron, whenever I pick one up to show him, they fly off my finger and land on his shoulder.
It's great having a great big yard, and it's even better having a clean yard. Because I was on bed rest last year, our Yard was severely neglected. It got to a point where I was incredibly embarrassed to admit it being my yard. This Last Saturday we had a Cobb family work day which was a great help. Because the work was very overwhelming.
Poor Cameron though the whole weekend he was super needy and I hate to say it cranky. This is where I feel like a horrible mother, Cameron is not a fussy boy so I should have clued in that something was wrong, but all I could think of was why will he not let me get my work done. First it was so super hot. Cameron's a winter baby, this is a new experience for him. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep. He just wanted to be held. Second my poor little man was cutting his top teeth. He's doing better and let's not focus and me being a bad Mom.....
My little Trooper.
Back to the great outdoors.
I will admit the day started out rocky, like I said I was overwhelmed, it seemed like half the family couldn't make it (the adult half) and then the rest showed up 2 1/2 hours late and then when they did get there I felt as if they were very snippish towards me. Anyways things got done, it all worked out and I'm happy with the results. I no longer have to be embarressed, we can host BBQ's (as soon as we fill our Propane that is), just enjoy our backyard, And I can start my Gardening.I can plant the seedlings I have already started and the rest of the veggies I plan to enjoy.We are doing a variation of Square foot gardening, it's suppossed to up the yield and cut back on weeds, what's not to love about that? It's all clean, we've got our Mushroom poop and we're ready to go! I am super grateful to our neighbour, here I was tilling my garden with shovel and rake, it had been a couple of hours, I was stewing and feeling hard done by, and not even a third of the garden had been tilled. She shows up and asks" would you like to use my Rototiller?" I answered before she even finished. What a difference, how did we even manage without?
Mom bagging our massive weed pile (they all went to seed last year which means this year is going to be fun!)
Michael turning our compost and combining it with the mushroom poop. If you look closely you can see it flying through the air.
Dave working Hard
Snuggling with uncle Jonathan at the end of the day
Daddy measuring the spaces for square foot gardening

Cameron discovering dirt.....
and having his first taste
and having his first taste
It's going to be a great outdoorsy summer!
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