Next to Christmas this is another favourite time of year. The snow melts, the days get warmer, the sun stays out a bit longer and new life begins. I love to see the buds in the trees, colour return to world and I especially like seeing the baby bunnies hop around. However the best part of spring is Easter in that we celebrate the life of our Saviour Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us so that we can return to our Heavenly Father. Sunday is an important day for us, for that is the day we celebrate His resurrection. He lives! And as I mentioned before it was General Conference weekend, I can't think of a better way to celebrate Easter than listening to the Prophet and Apostles bear Testimony of Christ!
It's so fun to watch the little ones. explore, learn and grow!
Eater Egg hunt,

While the older cousins, Joseph and Charlotte finished the hunt, Cameron hung out in the little red wagon and played for his first time on the playground. He enjoyed the swing, and was totally fascinated with the rocks. I have some cute pictures and videos, however for some reason they won't upload.

Colouring Eggs....obviously Cameron did not
take part. He sure enjoyed "studying"
them though.

Easter Cuties.....

Our Baskets

Cameron loved his "Sophie". He played with it for hours.

"Hopsi" from Omi und Opa
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