I had mentioned previously that I needed to figure something out with Cameron's sleeping pattern. I don't really believe in the whole cry it out method, but I'm getting desperate, waking up every two hours is definitely not ideal! I'm seriously losing cognitive function due to lack of sleep. All last week we woke up with Cameron in the bed with us and I have no recollection of bringing him there. I mords are all wixed up, if you didn't catch that my words are all mixed up. When I say something Michael just stares at me like I'm from outer space. What I'm saying in my head makes perfect sense but to the rest of the world is just a slew of words that don't really belong together. I think one of the problems is the bassinet. He's just too big for it now. Cameron is a very active sleeper and half the time wakes him self up because he's squished between the sides. I can't say I'm ready to have him out of our room, so we tried moving the crib into our room, however we soon found out to make that possible we would have to take the crib apart than reassemble in our room and then do it all over when I am ready for him to be in his own room. Too much work.
Our Doctor recommended Baby Wise, and a good friend lent it to me. So far I'm pretty much on board except the whole crying part. Up till now I've been an "attachment parent" but it doesn't seem to be working out for the best interests of me or my child.
Sunday night, night #1- We still had him in the Bassinet and yes, I tried CIO. That was one of the hardest thinks I've ever had to do. I think I cried harder than he did. After 5 minutes (yes I'm weak) I picked him up, held him and then put him back down. He then proceeded to cry another 5 minutes. I picked him up again and held him to sleep.
Monday night- night #2- Into the Crib. We did Bedtime routine which consists of half hour tub time. We let him play for 20 minutes and then we do songs. "bobbing up and down in my little clear bathtub", "mm, mm, went the little green frog", "5 green and speckled frogs", "Row, row, row your boat", "I had a little turtle" and "Alle meine Entchen". We then proceed to wash him with " this is the way we wash the boy...... getting ready for bedtime". We then transfer to the bedroom, put on a lullaby CD and Cameron gets a 15 minute baby massage. I then dress him in his PJ's and sleep sack give him his bed time bottle, we say our night prayers and end with stories. All of which takes just over an hour.
Just my luck, he doesn't fall asleep during our routine and I put him down for his first night in his crib (this is a major Mommy milestone). He cried for about 3 minutes, I went in to comfort him, which only made him madder because I didn't pick him up. After a few more minutes I made the decision that crying it out and a new bed in a new room were too much. I held him to sleep then put him down. This was just after 8 p.m. At 11:00 Michael gave him a 4oz "dream feed". Cameron woke up briefly at 1:30 but instead of jumping up I waited and he was back asleep within 3 minutes. Which never would have happened if he was still in our room. I would have tried to "plug him in" and he then would have woken up etc. etc. He did wake up at 3:30 to eat then slept until 6:30, bum was changed and then he slept until 8:00. I think it's safe to say, that it was a success. Hopefully it will only continue and get better!
And today for nap time instead of holding him to sleep, I swaddled him up, and placed him in the crib with Hopsi. He fussed for 3 minutes, I went in held him, comforted him and then put him back down (another Mommy Milestone) and as I walked out told him I loved him and he went to sleep ON HIS OWN!
one step forward! (Or maybe it's two steps forward and one step back) Either way I'm proud of myself!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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