So my last few post have been more babbling and less pictures. I thought I'd pick out a few of my favourites but that proved to be harder than I thought, as I think all the pictures of my Cameron are worth posting. I did manage to pick a few (22). Enjoy!
I've been putting Cameron in a box with a few of his toys and he absolutley loves it, It's his own little space. He can sit there without falling, when he flings his toys they don't go very far. And I don't have to worry about him getting into trouble as he is mobile now and I can bring the box into any room I'm in. It's win win!
"Jumpy Jumpy" We lucked out with this one. Every time we would visit friends Cameron would love to go in the Jumperoo. I was begging Michael to let us get one, but it wasn't really in our Budget. A friend who's daughter is 6 weeks older than Cameron had one that her daughter didn't really like, so she lent it to us. Cameron loves it, especially if we jump along side with him.
As I mentioned Cameron is now mobile. Either he's on his back and bounces his bum up and down to move around or he rolls everywhere. And his newest thing, crawling backwards. Here he is stuck under Omi's coffee table. He has also gotten his legs stuck under couches and backed himself into corners. It won't be too long before he's unstoppable. Cameron gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth........
First bubble bath.
Poor Kitten. I put Cameron in the laundry basket when I do laundry and just for kicks and giggles I put the cats in one at a time. Teaching him gentle will be a gradual thing I thing. Cameron loves the cats, so much that he grabs chunks of fur.
My big boy sitting all on his own.
The Domino effect. We wanted to take an update picture of our babies (6 weeks after the last one) We tried against the wall. it was a no go..... we tried the circle again. Our babies were not very impressed with us.
Cameron and his best bud Milo. Two very handsome little men!
Cameron enjoys going to the playground, he loves it when you swing beside him, it puts him in a fit of giggles when we are both going back and forth.
Just Chillin'
On one of our daily walks, gnawing on his sunglasses.
mmmmmmm, breakfast. After he is done I let him have the bowl in spoon to play with. It makes a huge mess. But he loves it and as far as I'm concerned it's all about learning!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Just a Thanks
I just realized that many of my adoring fans ;) have been leaving comments on my posts. I'm pretty computer illiterate and am learning new things daily! So I wanted to thank everyone for their comments and advice. We too think he's absolutely adorable and the advice comes in very useful. Thank you Friends and Family for your love and Support. We love you too!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
And so it begins
I had mentioned previously that I needed to figure something out with Cameron's sleeping pattern. I don't really believe in the whole cry it out method, but I'm getting desperate, waking up every two hours is definitely not ideal! I'm seriously losing cognitive function due to lack of sleep. All last week we woke up with Cameron in the bed with us and I have no recollection of bringing him there. I mords are all wixed up, if you didn't catch that my words are all mixed up. When I say something Michael just stares at me like I'm from outer space. What I'm saying in my head makes perfect sense but to the rest of the world is just a slew of words that don't really belong together. I think one of the problems is the bassinet. He's just too big for it now. Cameron is a very active sleeper and half the time wakes him self up because he's squished between the sides. I can't say I'm ready to have him out of our room, so we tried moving the crib into our room, however we soon found out to make that possible we would have to take the crib apart than reassemble in our room and then do it all over when I am ready for him to be in his own room. Too much work.
Our Doctor recommended Baby Wise, and a good friend lent it to me. So far I'm pretty much on board except the whole crying part. Up till now I've been an "attachment parent" but it doesn't seem to be working out for the best interests of me or my child.
Sunday night, night #1- We still had him in the Bassinet and yes, I tried CIO. That was one of the hardest thinks I've ever had to do. I think I cried harder than he did. After 5 minutes (yes I'm weak) I picked him up, held him and then put him back down. He then proceeded to cry another 5 minutes. I picked him up again and held him to sleep.
Monday night- night #2- Into the Crib. We did Bedtime routine which consists of half hour tub time. We let him play for 20 minutes and then we do songs. "bobbing up and down in my little clear bathtub", "mm, mm, went the little green frog", "5 green and speckled frogs", "Row, row, row your boat", "I had a little turtle" and "Alle meine Entchen". We then proceed to wash him with " this is the way we wash the boy...... getting ready for bedtime". We then transfer to the bedroom, put on a lullaby CD and Cameron gets a 15 minute baby massage. I then dress him in his PJ's and sleep sack give him his bed time bottle, we say our night prayers and end with stories. All of which takes just over an hour.
Just my luck, he doesn't fall asleep during our routine and I put him down for his first night in his crib (this is a major Mommy milestone). He cried for about 3 minutes, I went in to comfort him, which only made him madder because I didn't pick him up. After a few more minutes I made the decision that crying it out and a new bed in a new room were too much. I held him to sleep then put him down. This was just after 8 p.m. At 11:00 Michael gave him a 4oz "dream feed". Cameron woke up briefly at 1:30 but instead of jumping up I waited and he was back asleep within 3 minutes. Which never would have happened if he was still in our room. I would have tried to "plug him in" and he then would have woken up etc. etc. He did wake up at 3:30 to eat then slept until 6:30, bum was changed and then he slept until 8:00. I think it's safe to say, that it was a success. Hopefully it will only continue and get better!
And today for nap time instead of holding him to sleep, I swaddled him up, and placed him in the crib with Hopsi. He fussed for 3 minutes, I went in held him, comforted him and then put him back down (another Mommy Milestone) and as I walked out told him I loved him and he went to sleep ON HIS OWN!
one step forward! (Or maybe it's two steps forward and one step back) Either way I'm proud of myself!
Our Doctor recommended Baby Wise, and a good friend lent it to me. So far I'm pretty much on board except the whole crying part. Up till now I've been an "attachment parent" but it doesn't seem to be working out for the best interests of me or my child.
Sunday night, night #1- We still had him in the Bassinet and yes, I tried CIO. That was one of the hardest thinks I've ever had to do. I think I cried harder than he did. After 5 minutes (yes I'm weak) I picked him up, held him and then put him back down. He then proceeded to cry another 5 minutes. I picked him up again and held him to sleep.
Monday night- night #2- Into the Crib. We did Bedtime routine which consists of half hour tub time. We let him play for 20 minutes and then we do songs. "bobbing up and down in my little clear bathtub", "mm, mm, went the little green frog", "5 green and speckled frogs", "Row, row, row your boat", "I had a little turtle" and "Alle meine Entchen". We then proceed to wash him with " this is the way we wash the boy...... getting ready for bedtime". We then transfer to the bedroom, put on a lullaby CD and Cameron gets a 15 minute baby massage. I then dress him in his PJ's and sleep sack give him his bed time bottle, we say our night prayers and end with stories. All of which takes just over an hour.
Just my luck, he doesn't fall asleep during our routine and I put him down for his first night in his crib (this is a major Mommy milestone). He cried for about 3 minutes, I went in to comfort him, which only made him madder because I didn't pick him up. After a few more minutes I made the decision that crying it out and a new bed in a new room were too much. I held him to sleep then put him down. This was just after 8 p.m. At 11:00 Michael gave him a 4oz "dream feed". Cameron woke up briefly at 1:30 but instead of jumping up I waited and he was back asleep within 3 minutes. Which never would have happened if he was still in our room. I would have tried to "plug him in" and he then would have woken up etc. etc. He did wake up at 3:30 to eat then slept until 6:30, bum was changed and then he slept until 8:00. I think it's safe to say, that it was a success. Hopefully it will only continue and get better!
And today for nap time instead of holding him to sleep, I swaddled him up, and placed him in the crib with Hopsi. He fussed for 3 minutes, I went in held him, comforted him and then put him back down (another Mommy Milestone) and as I walked out told him I loved him and he went to sleep ON HIS OWN!
one step forward! (Or maybe it's two steps forward and one step back) Either way I'm proud of myself!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The most rewarding job around
Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a stay at home mom. I think that's why I became a Nanny, essentially it's the same thing except I was getting paid. For awhile I wasn't sure that it would happen (but that's a whole other story I prefer not to get into at this point in time).
Anyways after years of waiting my little bundle of joy finally arrived! I love the idea of my own calling me "Mom" and to depend completely on me. To teach about the Gospel, that he is a son of God and that we get to be together forever. To teach about life. To play, sing, laugh, read, learn and grow together. To love and be loved unconditionally. I love watching him learn and discover and look forward to watching him continue in his growth and discoveries of new things and to discover himself. I look forward to future family vacations (Disneyland, camping, Germany), picnics, outings, and Christmas. I love holding him, comforting him. I do somewhat enjoy late night feedings, as it is our special one on one time ( I'm not saying That I wouldn't mind a full night's rest with no feedings though), diapers, teething, potty training, first words, first steps, first scrapes. EVERYTHING!!!!
I love the idea of homemaking and learning the skills of old! What excites me more is that I can teach my children these skills.
I look forward to baking and having Cameron (or the future little others) help mix in the ingredients and then having them beg to lick the bowl. I love to bake, before Cameron was born I would have baking Marathons, for example for Christmas I would bake for 15 hours plus. I love making cookies, muffins, cakes, pies and I love to try new recipes. Our latest was Chocolate, cadbury mini egg cookies ( ) for Easter. They didn't last long.
Now that it's spring, I'm getting ready to Garden. And although Cameron can't help out yet, he's fascinated by the plants and loves to watch me water them. We've planted all our "plant early" seeds. We'll have Tomatoes galore this summer and we've got, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, cilantro and basil, watermelon and Cantaloupe. When May long weekend arrives they will be transferred to the garden and we will then plant squash and corn, carrots, peas, cucumber, green beans, potatoes and strawberries. And like the baking I like to try something new, This years experiment will be blueberries. If it actually works out I will be in heaven!
Sewing is one of the skills that I have been on and off again trying to learn. I made a baby blanket way back when we were first married (which this Friday will have been 5 years ago), but it's pink. So I tried again when I found out we were having a boy. I was going by it blindly with no rhyme or reason to my methods. Needless to say it never really worked out. I can sew a really mean bean bag though. A friend from our ward is teaching me (and she's got a kazillion and one craft ideas which I am totally eager to learn), and I must say that I'm pretty proud of my efforts. I made a toddler sized blanket which Cameron will receive on his first birthday along with beanbags I made from the remaining squares. Next project: an Apron.
Bean Bags
We have an old piano which when given a few spare minutes, I try to plink out a tune. Cameron Likes sitting on my lap and singing along as I play. I would love to put him in lessons when he's old enough.
I am trying to go back to my previous healthier lifestyle, which is easier said than done. I would like to get daily physical activity, I want Cameron to enjoy the outdoors. I would like to eat healthier, not as much junk food, I want Cameron to respect his body. I love participating in triathlons, I am currently not in any shape to compete but I hope to be again. I once saw little ones, ages 3 and 4, in their own little triathlons, where they swim one length with help from mom or dad and then ride a block on their tricycles and then "run" a block. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen, I can't wait for Cameron to participate.
I want to teach him that "cleanliness is next to godliness" and to respect his things. This one will take a bit of work for me, because I like things done a certain way. For example when Michael does something "wrong", I re-do it.
I want to learn to budget better and teach Cameron the value of money and "things" mean a lot more when you work for it. And that debt is bondage.
And last, but not least (most important actually), I want Cameron growing up knowing who he is, and that his Heavenly Father loves him. I want prayer to come naturally and I want him to grow up knowing his scripture stories.......
It looks like I've got my work cut out for me. But when all is said and done, I don't think there is anything more rewarding than being a Mother!
Anyways after years of waiting my little bundle of joy finally arrived! I love the idea of my own calling me "Mom" and to depend completely on me. To teach about the Gospel, that he is a son of God and that we get to be together forever. To teach about life. To play, sing, laugh, read, learn and grow together. To love and be loved unconditionally. I love watching him learn and discover and look forward to watching him continue in his growth and discoveries of new things and to discover himself. I look forward to future family vacations (Disneyland, camping, Germany), picnics, outings, and Christmas. I love holding him, comforting him. I do somewhat enjoy late night feedings, as it is our special one on one time ( I'm not saying That I wouldn't mind a full night's rest with no feedings though), diapers, teething, potty training, first words, first steps, first scrapes. EVERYTHING!!!!
I love the idea of homemaking and learning the skills of old! What excites me more is that I can teach my children these skills.
I look forward to baking and having Cameron (or the future little others) help mix in the ingredients and then having them beg to lick the bowl. I love to bake, before Cameron was born I would have baking Marathons, for example for Christmas I would bake for 15 hours plus. I love making cookies, muffins, cakes, pies and I love to try new recipes. Our latest was Chocolate, cadbury mini egg cookies ( ) for Easter. They didn't last long.
Now that it's spring, I'm getting ready to Garden. And although Cameron can't help out yet, he's fascinated by the plants and loves to watch me water them. We've planted all our "plant early" seeds. We'll have Tomatoes galore this summer and we've got, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, cilantro and basil, watermelon and Cantaloupe. When May long weekend arrives they will be transferred to the garden and we will then plant squash and corn, carrots, peas, cucumber, green beans, potatoes and strawberries. And like the baking I like to try something new, This years experiment will be blueberries. If it actually works out I will be in heaven!
Sewing is one of the skills that I have been on and off again trying to learn. I made a baby blanket way back when we were first married (which this Friday will have been 5 years ago), but it's pink. So I tried again when I found out we were having a boy. I was going by it blindly with no rhyme or reason to my methods. Needless to say it never really worked out. I can sew a really mean bean bag though. A friend from our ward is teaching me (and she's got a kazillion and one craft ideas which I am totally eager to learn), and I must say that I'm pretty proud of my efforts. I made a toddler sized blanket which Cameron will receive on his first birthday along with beanbags I made from the remaining squares. Next project: an Apron.
Bean Bags
We have an old piano which when given a few spare minutes, I try to plink out a tune. Cameron Likes sitting on my lap and singing along as I play. I would love to put him in lessons when he's old enough.
I am trying to go back to my previous healthier lifestyle, which is easier said than done. I would like to get daily physical activity, I want Cameron to enjoy the outdoors. I would like to eat healthier, not as much junk food, I want Cameron to respect his body. I love participating in triathlons, I am currently not in any shape to compete but I hope to be again. I once saw little ones, ages 3 and 4, in their own little triathlons, where they swim one length with help from mom or dad and then ride a block on their tricycles and then "run" a block. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen, I can't wait for Cameron to participate.
I want to teach him that "cleanliness is next to godliness" and to respect his things. This one will take a bit of work for me, because I like things done a certain way. For example when Michael does something "wrong", I re-do it.
I want to learn to budget better and teach Cameron the value of money and "things" mean a lot more when you work for it. And that debt is bondage.
And last, but not least (most important actually), I want Cameron growing up knowing who he is, and that his Heavenly Father loves him. I want prayer to come naturally and I want him to grow up knowing his scripture stories.......
It looks like I've got my work cut out for me. But when all is said and done, I don't think there is anything more rewarding than being a Mother!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Six months old
Actually today it's 6 months and one week, but who's counting right? Boy has he grown! He was born at 7lbs 6oz and now weighs 18lbs 3 oz. It seems Cameron had lost a bit of weight. I asked the Doctor if I should be concerned, but he said that at this age it's normal. First because He's way more active and mobile which means he's burning way more calories and second because solids aren't as calorie rich as Breast milk (yet still necessary). It's still pretty amazing that my little man has grown almost 11lbs in the last 6 months. He was 21 inches at birth and is now just over 27 inches. He has grown 2 teeth and I think the top 2 are not too far behind. He rolls all over the place and shimmies on his back. Cameron is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm loving every minute of being there to witness it!
Stages we are in right now are sleep training. To cry or not to cry, that is the question? I don't really believe in the whole cry it out method but on the other hand I am exhausted.
How often is too often to go out? Am I doing it for me? is it detrimental to Cameron's sleep and development? Although when he is awake Cameron loves to be around his friends, he love little kids and other babies, especially his best bud Milo.
The whole bottle ( I would pump) verses Nursing debate. Currently the world is yet to be discovered, and Cameron is very curious and absorbs so much.While nursing he's stuck staring at me, and so he putzes, and plays and looks around. With a bottle, he can look around and eat at the same time, the best of both worlds. I can't say I'm ready to give up nursing yet (Cameron still sleeps in our room) and am I really willing to pump for that long? I do believe Breast Milk is best. We'll see how it goes.
And last but not least Cameron's 6 month Photo Shoot with Auntie Kim at the Calgary Zoo.
Stages we are in right now are sleep training. To cry or not to cry, that is the question? I don't really believe in the whole cry it out method but on the other hand I am exhausted.
How often is too often to go out? Am I doing it for me? is it detrimental to Cameron's sleep and development? Although when he is awake Cameron loves to be around his friends, he love little kids and other babies, especially his best bud Milo.
The whole bottle ( I would pump) verses Nursing debate. Currently the world is yet to be discovered, and Cameron is very curious and absorbs so much.While nursing he's stuck staring at me, and so he putzes, and plays and looks around. With a bottle, he can look around and eat at the same time, the best of both worlds. I can't say I'm ready to give up nursing yet (Cameron still sleeps in our room) and am I really willing to pump for that long? I do believe Breast Milk is best. We'll see how it goes.
And last but not least Cameron's 6 month Photo Shoot with Auntie Kim at the Calgary Zoo.
Next to Christmas this is another favourite time of year. The snow melts, the days get warmer, the sun stays out a bit longer and new life begins. I love to see the buds in the trees, colour return to world and I especially like seeing the baby bunnies hop around. However the best part of spring is Easter in that we celebrate the life of our Saviour Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us so that we can return to our Heavenly Father. Sunday is an important day for us, for that is the day we celebrate His resurrection. He lives! And as I mentioned before it was General Conference weekend, I can't think of a better way to celebrate Easter than listening to the Prophet and Apostles bear Testimony of Christ!
It's so fun to watch the little ones. explore, learn and grow!
Eater Egg hunt,
While the older cousins, Joseph and Charlotte finished the hunt, Cameron hung out in the little red wagon and played for his first time on the playground. He enjoyed the swing, and was totally fascinated with the rocks. I have some cute pictures and videos, however for some reason they won't upload.
Colouring Eggs....obviously Cameron did not
take part. He sure enjoyed "studying"
them though.
Easter Cuties.....
Our Baskets
Cameron loved his "Sophie". He played with it for hours.
"Hopsi" from Omi und Opa
It's so fun to watch the little ones. explore, learn and grow!
Eater Egg hunt,
While the older cousins, Joseph and Charlotte finished the hunt, Cameron hung out in the little red wagon and played for his first time on the playground. He enjoyed the swing, and was totally fascinated with the rocks. I have some cute pictures and videos, however for some reason they won't upload.
Colouring Eggs....obviously Cameron did not
take part. He sure enjoyed "studying"
them though.
Easter Cuties.....
Our Baskets
Cameron loved his "Sophie". He played with it for hours.
"Hopsi" from Omi und Opa
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