Monday, June 14, 2010
Progress report
Ever since he was born, Cameron has preferred one side to the other. He preferred to nurse on my right side, when he started to roll, it was always over his left side and around 3 months I noticed that he had a head tilt toward the left. He couldn't quite lift his head up straight. We went to the Chiropractor a couple of times and it would help for a week or two and then the tilt would be back. I really believe in Chiropractic care but it was not in our budget to take Cameron back every couple of weeks. I learned about the C.A.R.E Centre through our Baby Steps class and decided to check it out. We were hooked up with a great physio therapist. She had us do strength exercises such as sidelying play with his left side down with supporting his hip or propping him up against the couch, pick up and set down through sidelying, and encourage head turns towards the right with toys and other distractions. Well we did such a good job at the exercises that next time we went Cameron was showing weakness towards his other side. So we switched the exercises to the other side and started working on more tummy time and encourage grasping while on his front. When we started Physio Cameron was in the 25% with his gross motor skills. About two months in he had progressed to 50-75%. His neck seemed to be improving especially since Tummy time made him use his muscles equally. Although he still favoured his left over right, whether it was rolling over or grasping at toys or the way he preferred to nurse or even the way he slept at night. The exercises continued to promote balance. We started to see real progress until one day ( I'm not blaming him I'm just citing the events) Michael was playing rather rambunctiously with Cameron, throwing him in the air and such. I'm guessing something got tweaked and Cameron's head tilt was worse than ever. Back to the drawing board. When we were at Physio he could do everything "asked" of him, he had/has great range of motion but for some reason was not holding his head up. Could it be an ear infection? Nope. What about his vision or hearing? At Cameron's sixth month check up the Doctor couldn't find anything so we were referred to a pediatrician specializing in Child development. And isn't it Murphy's law that when we finally get to the pediatrician Cameron holds his head up perfectly. Obviously they did the check up anyway and couldn't find anything, hearing is great, vision is fine. She said it's probably muscular and laziness. To keep doing what were doing and check back in a couple of months. Since then Cameron's neck has been fine, it does tilt when he gets really tired. But it is now a rarity. Today we "graduated" from Physio. She was amazed at Cameron's progress, climbing, crawling, rolling, moving, bouncing, grabbing and grasping, twisting and turning. No problems here. He is capable of doing everything both sides but still prefers the one which is probably because it's what he's used to. Cameron is now in the 80th percentile as far as his motor skills are concerned. It's a relief to know that everything is great and on track and that the problem was solvable.

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