Mel Bartholomew where have you been all my life?
We moved into our home two and a half years ago, the previous two years we lived in a basement suite, which as far as living went suited our needs but as spring rolled along I craved gardening, Which in and of itself is a mystery because I had never gardened before. Maybe it stemmed from my childhood, I loved to play in the mud.
Anyways, when we were looking at houses besides having a decent sized kitchen a big yard was part of my criteria, one so that my children could play and two because I wanted a garden. And a garden I got! It measures 24 by 38 feet plus has a huge raspberry bush.
The first year I did what has been done for thousands of years; single row gardening. I planted everything from seed except tomatoes those I bought the seedlings. I planted Celery, Peppers, Watermelon, Potatoes, Beans, Peas, Strawberries, Corn, Carrots, Pumpkin and Spaghetti Squash. I didn't really know what I was doing, I didn't know some plants needed to be planted 5-12 weeks earlier. Needless to say those didn't make it. I also didn't know that you only need to plant of of each kind of squash. I ended up with a half of a garden looking like a pumpkin patch. I also didn't know about companion planting, some plants are friends and some are foes.
Despite my lack of knowledge my garden thrived. I became the talk of the town. My carrots were over a foot long and an inch thick. My cucumbers were monsters, I had beans coming out of my ears, so many raspberries and tomatoes I couldn't keep up. And over 5 dozen corn cobs. I was loving it. This was awesome. Fresh veggies, nothing compares to them! And after Canning and blanching our veggies lasted almost until the next season.
The only thing I didn't like was the weeding!

Then the second year gardening wasn't an option, well for me at least I was on strict bed rest growing my Cameron! We decided Michael would plant Carrots, Corn and potatoes. So what does he do he digs a trench and scatters the seeds. No weeding as done. Our harvest was pitiful!
Enter year three, Enter square foot gardening.

We had a relief society meeting on this type of gardening. All I have to say is it's genius! Mel Bartholomew a retired engineer created it. You grow more in less space, and NO WEEDING! The gist of it is you build 4x4 foot boxes, create a grid that divides the 4 foot boxes into 1 foot squares and depending on the size of plant you plant 1-16 seeds in each box.

And each box has a special soil mix. Due to a tight budget we did not build raised boxed nor did we buy the ingredients for the "Mel's special blend". We did however map out boxes and grids right into our garden and used our Mushroom compost and topsoil. The goal is to do it completely Mel's way next year. Let the saving begin.
We have 15 4 foot boxes and one 18x 1 foot box. I've layed down newspapers and grass for my rows to prevent weeds and a more comfortable place to kneel/sit but mostly to prevent weeds!
Now would you like to know what I've planted? I am so excited! Are you ready for this?
48 Potatoes, 4 each of Pumpkin, Zuchinni, Spaghetti and Butternut Squash, 48 corn stalks. I had planted 7 Cantaloupe but they died after the transplant. Stupid cold weather. Other plants I started early were, celery, it died, peppers, watermelon (they died thanks to our kitties making a meal of the leaves, neeless to say for the next 11 week kitties were banished to the basement), cilantro, basil, tomatoes, Cauliflower and Broccoli. Most of my seedling died after transplanting. The ones I could replace I did and others I just planted something else in their spot and will try again next year. I do have to put this plug in, of all department store garden Centers Canadian Tire beats them all!
Anyways back to my seeds. I planted 8 celeries (from seedling) and 3 sunflowers (from seed) where the cantaloupes had been. 72 pea plants, 32 cucumber plants, 544 Carrots, 4 watermelons, 32 lettuce, 36 spinach, 54 bush beans, 3 broccoli and 3 cauliflower, 4 strawberries, 3 blueberries, too many tomatoes to count (I'm also trying the Topsy Turvy this year), 5 peppers four of them green and one yellow and the previously existing Raspberries......WHEW!
Harvest should be fun and Crazy!
Our plan is to enjoy fresh throughout the summer, can and freeze for the winter and have some to share with loved ones. I'd also like to donate to the Bishop's food storehouse or the foodbank.
I'll keep you posted with the progress.
(Just so I don't have a post without my Cameron, I really look forward to the days, where he and my other kids can each have their own box and plant what they want and learn and grow and have as much fun as I'm having!)

Cilantro and Basil

One of our many Tomatoes

Corn(back left), Peas and cucumbers (back right)
Blueberries(up front)

Carrots, bush beans, broccoli and cauliflower
