Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Michael's Birthday. His gift was a 3 in 1 with our Anniversary and Father's Day. Michael would like to be a writer so I bought him a mini laptop. For today I thought for when he came home it would be nice to come home to a really clean home (which I'll be honest normally isn't and he ends up having to help me tidy after the boys are in bed....Not Today), We'll be having Pizza for Supper which is his  second Favourite (first being Lasagne, but I've made that every year for the past 7 years, so I thought I'd change it up)  and Black Forest cake for Dessert , which too is a favourite. I decided to shower, do my hair and make up and put on a dress to greet him when he gets home from work instead of my ponytail and sweats. And tonight I've hired a babysitter (something I don't do) to surprise him and take him to the Avengers.

With the boys we made him a Candy gram

Why we love Daddy

*Because you are "SMARTIES"
*Because you make us "SNICKERS"
*Because you "CARAMILK" about us
*Because you teach us to stay on the straight and N' "AERO" path
*Because of all the "BOUNTY" you provide
*Because of how you treat your "SWEETTART" aka. our Mommy

You are "WUNDERBAR" and we "SKOR"'D big having you as a Daddy
Happy Birthday, Love your "RUNTS" Cameron and Tommy

Daddy, We wish you a Very Happy Birthday!We Love you! Thank you for all the the things you do for us. Today is your day off. Let us Take Care of you!

Monday, May 28, 2012

my Superhero

Cameron comes to me one morning and says "I'm your super hero Mommy" and I think I'd have to agree.

You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Lack of sleep I think is one of the worst things in life. I mean real exhaustion and sleep deprivation. I'm a terrible sleeper. My best sleep happens between 5:00 and 8:00 in the morning. And Tommy wakes up at 5:30.
A lack of sleep affects everything. Your Physical state, your mental, social, emotional, and spiritual state. I found myself really burnt out just about a month ago and finding the joy being sucked away and I had zero drive to do anything.I love my boys so I'd still play with them but it was getting really hard. One thing that would kind of bring me back to life despite my exhaustion was working out. In less than two months I had lost 20lbs. I was getting strong and doing so well.
 (This is how I feel. Like this super strong, fit person stuck in a
not so strong and not so fit body.)

So what happens? One morning I decided to Work out to a DVD and my Cameron got under my feet without me seeing and down I go, twisted my food and then landed on it and then landed on Cameron. Luckily Cameron was not hurt except his feelings from his Mommy falling on him. Me on the other hand did not come out quite as lucky. So a broken foot and a cast later. I am left incapable of doing anything for myself or my boys. This is going to be interesting.

So here I was sitting on the couch, If I wanted to go anywhere I had to use my crutches. I was not allowed to bear any weight on my foot. Have you ever tried to carry anything while using crutches? It doesn't work. I was helpless. Everything had to be done for me. I got a lot of help from Michael, my mom and many others. I have to admit the first week wasn't so bad but after that I was ready to start doing things for myself. I learned my lesson after a week, I was missing getting up with Tommy and carrying him. I was missing running around with Cameron. On top of missing  many other things, that just a week earlier seemed to be draining and almost tedious. I was done doing nothing. and I still had at least four weeks to go. 
The Sunday before it happened I watched Soul Surfer. It was providence I think. Very inspiring. If she could recover and live a life minus one arm and not to mention get back on a surf board and go back into the ocean. I could survive 6-8 weeks. I was going to get my foot back. And now I do. I walk on the cast and it feels great to do things for myself again! We really need to be careful not to take our lives for granted!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm back

I really enjoy blogging and it seems that I constantly have posts running through my head. Sadly most of them never make it onto the blog and they get lost in the vortex of my memories. Some because of laziness, some because there are days where I'm running in a hundred different directions and never get the chance to sit and then don't get around to it and then of course we can't forget technical difficulties.

Both my boys are such characters. Each with vibrant personalities. My mom is constantly telling me to write their little moments down. And I think  I will, later or I'll remember it and then I don't. I spend countless moments smiling and laughing out loud whole heartily at my two miracles.

I'm sad that I couldn't log in over the past few months. There are so many things that were missed. Cheesy moments such as celebrating Valentines and St. Patrick's day. Milestones for both my boys (both good and bad, for example Cameron knowing all his letters both upper and lowercase and the sounds they make or Tommy's first smiles and giggles and rolling over and now almost sitting, as opposed to them getting the chicken pox.)

I'd never catch up, if I tried and then I'd get even farther behind. So I'm back and here's to a fresh start.

One thing I do want to post is my Tommy's baby blessing. It took a long time coming. It was pushed back three times, due to circumstances beyond our control one of which was my little 2 month old getting chicken pox.
It finally happened on March 4th, 2012. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ceremony, celebrated with Family and friends.


They (whoever "they" are) say that what you put out in the universe comes back at you. If that is the case I'd like to know what I have been putting out there, because whatever you want to call it, Karma, the Universe or just plain comeuppance, it has not been that kind to me.

I'm doing my best to improve myself. I've been reading inspirational books, a few of which include, "Heaven is Here" by Stephanie Nielson, "Unlimited" by Jillian Michaels, "Divine Signatures" by Gerald Lund (Which was amazing!) and now I'm reading a book on hope, also by Elder Lund.

It seems this is my time to learn lasting Spiritual/life lessons. Patience, Long suffering, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Not just with others but also with myself.

It seems that whenever I see a glimmer of a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, there's a new avalanche of rocks which I then need to figure out how to get through. The "funny" thing about trials, tribulations, adversity, whatever you want to call it, is that once we're past it, it kinda, sorta almost makes sense and we can kinda, sorta see what purpose it had in shaping us.

I'd like to get to that point. I'm tired and weary and just need a little respite. A few breaths of fresh air, to clear my head and then if it must be, stick me back in that tunnel.

It's been nearly 4 months and finally our computer let me log in, hence this post. Since then I  have broken my foot, (exercising, that'll teach me), our computer keeps crashing, our van has had nearly three grand of repairs done to it, our BBQ broke, on top of nearly every small appliance that we own and one large, our washer.(and those are just the minor issues or as my brother would call them "first world problems") Work has been scarce. And I'm about to lose my mind.

That being said I am very blessed! Despite all the crap that's been happening I do realize I have great blessings in my life. The Four most important are, First, My God, then Michael, Cameron and Tommy.

I love being a Mother and a wife and if I were to lose everything else in my life I would still be incredibly wealthy because I have my Family!