I am feeling so Very far behind. So much is going on. So much to report and tell. So many posts jumbled up in my brain. So Why haven't I been Blogging? Because I threw my Computer out the Window. No not really but I sure have been tempted to multiple times. It might work better if I did. As it is I can't blog with pictures if I want to blog on my own computer. It won't load my memory card so anytime I want to blog I have to go to my Mom or Sisters house with my card to share my life with all you who care to "listen".
So I'm hoping that in the next couple of days I am able to spew out all that's happened to date (including Yesterday's Ultrasound results!).
These are Cameron's 18 month Pictures. Done of course by my super talented
Sister Kim. (You can also check her work out on
Facebook) These pictures were taken on time. But due to editing and then trying to get my computer to work and not having time or energy to go somewhere else to blog, you get to see them two months late.
Presenting my Handsome little Man, who is growing up way too fast!

"This little Monkey has a BIG secret..."
(the back has two monkeys holding hands and says "I'm going to be a big Brother!")