This year things were a bit different. Our home was in a boxed chaos, mess everywhere. So to try and bring the spirit into our home I set the tree up amidst the mess. It did help, kinda. It took up half our living room. I don't know what it is, but if you've seen A Garfield's Christmas special you'll understand. the "oohhh, Ahhhh" moment.
This year because of our circumstances Michael and I decided not to exchange gifts. That was hard for me. Not necessarily not getting anything( although a few of our traditions would be greatly missed) but the not giving part. I love shopping for gifts and finding that perfect something or somethings and seeing the look on the faces Christmas morning. We were very blessed this year. We had great meals with Family and gifts were in abundance from every direction. I was humbled when from our church the Sunday before Christmas was delivered a box full of Christmas goodies and food and gifts for Cameron. More than we could have ever hoped for. We were truly blessed indeed. So many times I wanted to cancel Christmas from our home, because of the black cloud I felt over me, but time and time again the Lord showed me what was really important. Those "tender mercies" from letters from my brother on his mission, to visits from friend and family and even a few unexpected guess mad "my days merry and bright"
I think the reason this time of year is so great is because of who we are celebrating. All those extras are bonuses but it is the Spirit of Christ that makes it all worth while. It makes everything that much more meaningful. And I AM SO GRATEFUL I got to experience the real spirit of Christmas firsthand this year.
For Christmas Eve we drove down with The Cobb's for Christmas Eve in Picture Butte.
It was a nice time. Terrie arranged a delicious Greek fest .
Santa came and brought Cameron a cozy coupe. He went straight to it and would not get out.......
.......not to open his stocking........
.....and barely to open his other gifts....
It was so cute! He kept looking up and giggling.
Thanks Santa!
When Cameron did finally come out, and discovered the rest of his toys, although the ripping of the paper was pretty cool, He couldn't decide which to play with so he took shifts, moving on every couple of minutes.
Cameron's gift to me. A "Why I love my Mommy" Craft.
I love it!
Next stop to Omi and Opa's for Breakfast and Gifts.
Cameron thoroughly enjoyed the whipped cream, who needs waffles?

Great Grandma and the little ones.

That's the end of my pictures. Got caught up in the day I guess. We had a great time hanging out with Family and playing games and eating way too much. Cameron slept more than 3 hours for his nap too.
I love this time of year. I hope everybody else's Christmas was just as great!