In August Michael and I decided we wanted to move. We were going to downsize to help with the finances a bit (it's amazing how a little person can triple your expenses). Plus with me being a stay at home mom things were bound to get tighter. We thought Magrath or Raymond. I really, really love the small towns. Nobleford in size is perfect but as far as our beliefs go we're fairly alone out here. Also because it's so small there aren't a lot of options for growing children (ie. sports, music and other programs.) Magrath or Raymond has it all, our beliefs, programs yet their still small towns. We thought we had it all figured out only to have the bank mislead us and finding out there's a HUGE fine to transferring our mortgage etc etc. I was bummed, I had found the house I wanted too.
In the meantime Michael's work in Calgary keeps increasing and increasing to the point that he travels up EVERY weekend. Sometimes I go with him, sometimes I stay home. Although being home alone with a little one all weekend is not very desirable. It's down right exhausting. But going to Calgary isn't very desirable either. Not sleeping in my own bed, uprooting Cameron. Throwing off his whole schedule. Throwing off my whole diet. It was a catch 22 decision every weekend. Many asked us, if Michael comes to Calgary every weekend why would we move further away? because the only good thing about Calgary (besides our Families being there) is that the work is there. It's no secret I hate Calgary, the further away I am the better.
Well things were just not working out for us. Things were getting tighter because of the lack of work down here and the travel to Calgary.
And then Two weeks ago I was laying down having a rest while Cameron was napping. Trying to read a book. I could not concentrate. A flood of ideas hit me of what we needed to do. To spare you a long story and the minute details I had the impression to move back to Calgary. I cried (I hate Calgary) and then I called Michael and told him what I had just experienced. That was 2 weeks ago. TWO weeks warning I get. Talk about a stress inducer. YIKES!. The impression I had was for December 1st. I had no time.
So here we are November 24, Our house in total chaos, boxes and junk everywhere. Truck rented, Living in Calgary found and no idea what's going to happen now.
As much as I hate Calgary there is light at the end of the tunnel. The home we found is a block from my Sister's and a few blocks from my Parents and all other family is not too much further. The cousins will get to play together. Things will still be tight for awhile but not as it is now. I'm thinking of starting a dayhome too. That way I can contribute to the Families income but still stay at home with my little man.
We made a pros and cons list and the pros heavily outweighed the cons.
The quick move isn't all that bad either. It keeps me from procrastinating. and this way I still get to set up Christmas! I love Christmas! And if I had my way, my house would already be decorated. But because of maybe selling the house I didn't want to set everything up only to have to take it down before I was ready.
So here goes! The Cobb Family is being uprooted! A new adventure about to begin.
Good-bye to "Barb's house of Dreams"