* Besides "Mama" and "Dada" His first word was "Nein" which is the German word for no. Instead of getting upset at the word no. Cameron would laugh and do it anyway. In fact he is a very smart little guy and he knows exactly what is not allowed. For example my shelf with Family pictures. Cameron will Empty the shelf the whole while singing " nein, nein, nein, nein......." to himself.
*From the very beginning he has been a chatty boy. Babbling to himself and whomever would listen. He mimics all sorts of sounds. He copies the Kittie's meow or a baby crying, coughing, sneezing and even burping and farting. He copies tones in voices, whether, happy, angry or sad.
So far he's got 9 words that he can say. Mama, Dada, Ball, Bottle, Nein(no), Numnum(food), Jump, up and Baby.
*We have a shy little man. When it comes to other adults he's very cautious. I have to say I don't mind this. For one, I'm kind of a Cameron hog but for another I don't necessarily want my children to be okay with strangers. It takes Cameron anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to warm up to people. He gets clingy and a bit fussy. He doesn't like people in his face or his space. This doesn't mean he's cranky. He just needs time to assess the situation. But once he's figured you out he'll let his crazy, fun, firecracker of a side come out.
Children on the other hand, Cameron loves. Especially big kids. He wants to do what they are doing. He especially loves his cousins. Kaleb and Aiden on Michael's side who call him "baby Tameron" and Joseph and Charlotte on my side.

*Cameron makes the funniest facial expressions. I would really love to know what's going on in that little head of his. My favourite is when he smiles and scrunches his nose all the while snorting. (It's his excited face)

*Ever since he has learned to move around. Cameron has been on the GO, GO, GO. he's my little energizer bunny. So much to do and so much to explore. At first he would taste everything, the walls and doors and even the door stoppers. And lets not forget the shelves and drawers and baskets. They must all be emptied. No laundry basket is safe with Cameron around. He does now try to put items back. And lets not forget that the world is a jungle gym!(need I say any more?) Meal times is another discovery zone. Throwing food off the tray seems to be the greatest game. (Drives me absolutely batty though).
Because of his constant Activity, Cameron burns all his calories and then some and from months 8-10 he actually lost weight. He eats a lot. His favourite is pasta with tomato sauce. Tomatoes, peas and any fruit except banana's at the moment. He's funny with mushy textures. I think he's going to be like his Daddy, Tall and skinny.
*I love Cameron kisses. His air kisses are " MMMMWWWAAA" and real kisses are complete open mouth, tongue out and all with the accompanying "mmmmwwwaaa".

*Cameron loves songs. At church he'll sing along. And when I sing to him before bed if I stop he'll grunt for me to continue. He love active songs, his favourites are "zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon. At the count down he'll raise his hands in the air and shout (Blast Off!). And he loves the hokey Pokey. He actually gets quite upset when we stop.
(Cameron loves to listen to Uncle Mikey play. He also loves to sit with Uncle Matt and his laptop and dance to his music.)
* Cameron also loves books. He has to pick them though and he'll let you know if he doesn't want the one you've chosen. Currently we don't read the stories though. Cameron turns the pages and points to the pictures and we talk about them.
* Being my little redheaded firecracker he has got a bit of a temper on him. He flops around on the ground like a fish out of water. screaming an angry scream, He'll calm down. look at me and start all over again. I have to leave the room to laugh because I find it funny. What could possibly be so upsetting at this age? Not going for a car ride was the result of one.

we cannot leave the park until Cameron has had at least 45 minutes in the swing.
Every Day is an adventure. It amazes me how such a little person can have such a big personality. We laugh, we cry, we get angry and we have a lot of fun!