Michael's job has been going really well. He's breaking all sorts of company records. And most importantly our bills are being paid! It was a rough go for awhile. With me being put on bed rest and losing my income which also means me losing Maternity leave. Michael then was layed off from his job and until now hadn't found anything. Anyways that's not the purpose of this post. I do want to add, that I believe we owe the Lord for Michael's success. 3 Months ago we paid our tithing with the last money in our account and didn't know where any more was going to come from. That's where we were blessed and Michael's new business took off. One downside to his success that most of it was in Calgary. So every week for 3 or 4 days we would make the trek up. It was hard on Cameron, the constant change in schedule, not being able to sleep in his own bed, and constantly just being away from home. They only reason we went with Michael is because, I didn't want to be stuck in Nobleford, in case of an emergency. Sure I could ask neighbours/ward members but what if they're not available. Plus I like to go out and do things, not be stuck at home all day. And as much as I love Nobleford, there isn't much to do here.
Another blessing, Michael's grandpa owns a Chevy dealership. We called him up, told him what we were looking for and asked him what he had available........ And it all worked out! I actually got more than I expected! My new toy; a 2003 Chevy venture. Comes with all the bells and whistles you can imagine. Automatic everything, including buttons that open my doors for me! A/C, Cruise control, CD player, DVD player and a huge cargo space plus it seats 9. (can you tell I'm excited?
Now Michael can go to Calgary and we can stay home. I am mobile and he doesn't have to worry about us. But it's been even greater than that. Because we only had the one vehicle juggling between both our schedules was quite the act. And now it doesn't even matter!
I am loving it!